Zorrotzaurre at the European Heritage Days 2017


Zorrotzaurre at the European Heritage Days 2017


Zorrotzaurre is taking part in the activities in Bizkaia of the European Heritage Days 2017.

Guided walks on ‘Zorrotzaurre, the last island’ are planned for Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of October. The walks have been organised by the Centre for Cultural Heritage (The Department of Culture of the Basque Government) and the Basque Association for Industrial and Public Works Heritage.

The routes will leave the Plaza Yolanda González at 12.00 and are an excellent opportunity to understand why the former port district of Ribera de Deusto is going to become the last remaining island of the Nervión.

Accompanied by experts in the industrial heritage of Zorrotzaurre, the walks will finish with a visit to Konsoni Lantegia and its machinery collection.

For further information and reservations send an email to actividades.avpiop@gmail.com

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